How to Manage Time? 8 Most Effective Tips!

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In today’s busy world, most people struggle with managing their time and it’s one of the biggest reason why people aren’t who are they supposed to be. You’ll know the most effective 8 tips on time management.

Always write down!

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Not organizing what you have to do is the first step for never succeeding at time management because everyone has lots of tasks to get done and they get confused by them and they end up doing almost nothing productive. Before starting your day, in the morning or the night before (recommended), take a paper and start writing the tasks you have to get done for the day, doesn’t matter if they’re really important or not. Once you’re done, start reading them and see the ones that are the most important ones, write them on a separate paper and keep it next to your bed. This will give you a feeling of accomplishing at least for the first task which was to write it down, if you write down your goals or tasks, you are more likely to get them done.

Complete the most important tasks first!

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When it comes to properly planning your day, take things easily and one by one. If you overburden yourself with lots of tasks, you’ll probably get nothing done. The best way is to take the most important tasks and put full focus and energy on them. It’s best to complete up to 2-3 tasks everyday; the most important ones. From those 2-3 tasks, take them one by one and devote your full attention towards it, and don’t mix it up with other tasks so you don’t get unmotivated and feel like you have too much work. You can increase the numbers of tasks as you progress such as from 2-3 to 3-5 tasks a day. But if you plan on increasing your daily tasks then don’t do it after a week or so. Make 2-3 tasks a day your habit and when you stick to it, try increasing.

Learn to say ‘NO’!

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If a task isn’t important, you’ll find excuses to not complete it such as ‘I don’t have time’, ‘I will do this after’, or ‘I will watch some vlogs or funny videos on YouTube’. When doing a task, make it a first priority even if your friend calls you to hang out at the cafe, learn to say ‘NO’ because if you don’t then you’ll never have time to work on yourself, either you will always hang out with friends or procrastinate. It’s all about priorities, if you don’t act upon it now, you will keep on delaying it and most likely lose interest which means it will never happen.

Sleep at least 6-8 hours a day!

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Now, I myself sometimes sleep 3-4 hours a day after 10-hours of teaching and an hour of gym and repeat again, so that means in 48 hours, I only sleep for 3-6hours and work for 20 hours and workout for 2 hours, the other time I spend on is reading books or watching lots of video content about business and self-improvement. It’s completely fine for me because I stay energized all day but it’s not healthy for my body in the long-run. Getting enough sleep is crucial for your mind and body in-order to work properly, if I keep that routine which I told you for a few days, then I start to see massive changes in my mood, productivity and motivation levels. Getting at least 6 hours of sleep a day is a must, especially if you are working hard all day. Most people often sleep less because they think sleep is for the weak, but in that time they do nothing productive, just stay up late to browse through social media.

Devote your entire focus to the task at a time!

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As we talked about setting up 2-3 most important tasks a day, the levels of motivation and focus matter a lot. If you’re a person who has a serious problem of checking the phone after every minute, then this one is hard for you. We get distracted by a lot of things, but the again its a matter of priorities, is the task you are trying to accomplish really that important? What if you don’t complete it? Focusing on one task a hand with full energy without any distractions will get it done way faster than you think. Some people go all in working on the task, but they don’t take a break for hours which might not affect the day but it might affect the system you created for yourself in the long run, the best way to stay focused and energized while completing a task is to take breaks. For example, 10 minutes off every hour, that means you work for 50 minutes and take 10 minutes off, this helps you stay interested in what you are trying to do and also makes you feel like your life isn’t work only but also play. During the break, you are allowed to do anything you want.

Get an early start!

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If you wake up late or like everyone else, lets say at 8 A.M. then you haven’t got enough time to make the most out of your day, most of you working 9-5 jobs and getting home tired aren’t willing to do the ‘extra’ stuff. If you just wake up an hour or two early, you’ll have more time to work on what you really want, isn’t that a blessing? Now, most people  first aim of getting up at 5 in the morning like most of the successful people do, and guess what? They fail at it. I never tell people who are on their way of changing habits to do big things. Always take it slow, for example, waking up 30 minutes earlier for a week then an hour earlier the next week and so on. Remember, the earlier you get up, the more opportunities you have.

Create a system!

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This should be your overall aim, once you get into the system, the habit of managing time, your life will become much easier and organized and you will feel more accomplished which in result will give you a higher self-esteem which means you will want to do more of what you are doing. Once you’ve made this chain, the system will open doors for more success and opportunities in your life, and you’ll get what people call it ‘lucky’. Never follow the same system, always bring changes to your habits and system every once in a while so you don’t get bored with it.


I always say, purpose is everything. If you don’t have one, then you’re lacking everything in life. Commitment only comes into play depending on how bad you want something. So commit yourself, know what it means, to dedicate full focus and energy on a task keeping the purpose in mind.

Time management isn’t your ultimate goal, but if you master this skill, it will get you to the ultimate goal.

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