Why failing is good for you?

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Most successful people are successful because they refused to give up when they failed, and not failed 5 times but lots of times. We call them successful because, despite all the failures, they still managed to succeed.

So, what is it that keeps them trying over and over again?

The thing I always mention is, ‘purpose’. All great successful people have one thing in common and it’s called a purpose. Most of them have it since childhood, and only a few of them are able to fulfill it. The reason is that most people don’t even have a clear purpose, or they don’t even try, or they fail and never try again thinking it was never meant for them.

The sad thing is, this ‘afraid of failure’ type of behavior is embedded into people from school, we have school to blame here but not until a person is an adult. In schools, we are trained to always stay at the top position in the class by our parents and even teachers. Over time, we start to see fewer grades as a failure, now grades might differ for all of us. But when a student is doing pretty well in school, he or she starts to fail or get fewer grades, experiences low self-esteem resulting in more failure. It’s because, in schools, we are trained to see success as a success only without any failures. No wonder, why most people suffer when they come in practical life.

Failing will teach you a lot than anything else, all great people have failed tons of times. Instead of becoming depressed, try to learn from your failures. When we see failure as a whole and treat it as a failure, it becomes unclear to see how we failed and what made us fail. But when we break down failure into smaller steps and analyze what went wrong and where then there are lots of lessons to learn. It helps you not repeat the same mistake twice.

People are so quick to point out others’ failures because the people who point out others’ failures are the ones who failed and never tried again. If you start taking failure as a good thing and are proud of it because it will make you better for tomorrow then I can guarantee you success. A lot of people get distracted from the opinions of others, usually their family members or closest friends. I personally know how it feels to be judged by others but once you know you are on the right path and know what exactly you’re doing, and you fail or succeed but still have the passion for it then you know that’s the thing you never have to give up on.

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