Why we SHOULD be KIND to everyone?

Kindness is something that costs nothing but means everything. Deploy kindness wherever you go..png

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

As we grow up, most of us become less and less kind due to the problems we face in every aspect of our life. We often see children be so kind to every being, not just humans. Continue reading “Why we SHOULD be KIND to everyone?”

Why failing is good for you?

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Success is made up of failures.jpg


Most successful people are successful because they refused to give up when they failed, and not failed 5 times but lots of times. We call them successful because, despite all the failures, they still managed to succeed.

So, what is it that keeps them trying over and over again?

Continue reading “Why failing is good for you?”

How can your circle determine your future?

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Your circle matters..png

If you sit with 5 millionaires, you’ll be the 6th one.

Who you sit with, who you talk with, who you spend your time with, everything has an impact on you. Show me 5 of your closest friends and I will show you where you stand in the future.

Continue reading “How can your circle determine your future?”

How to improve people without making them feel like shit 💩 !

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Questioning first – When it comes to really try to get to know people, we should always ask them as many questions as we can to build enough trust to make the others feel like we asked them enough to let them know what to do in life. Therefore, we must ask questions first about one’s life, a lot of people aren’t great listeners, if you really show you are a good listener and pay attention to every single word they say, they’ll love talking to you and answering you, so be a good listener and then proceed.

Continue reading “How to improve people without making them feel like shit 💩 !”

Why New Year’s Resolution doesn’t matter? 2019 !

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Its that time of the year again, ‘New Year New Me’. Its one of the things that I hate the most, I did that a lot when I was a kid. Most of the people now want to start on a specific day to make it their first, they think if its the first day of the year, it will help them measure the progress from 1st January all the way to 31st December. And what happens then? You skip a day and all your progress is gone, you think that way. Its human nature, if they mess up at something they get disappointed and never dare to try again. Continue reading “Why New Year’s Resolution doesn’t matter? 2019 !”

How to Set Yourself on a Path to Success!

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‘Where do I really start? How are all these successful people so successful? Why can’t I be like them? Are they lucky?”.



Those type of questions come into your mind when you look at successful people. The biggest thing that you don’t notice in them is they had patience, and I mean a lot of patience. Most of the people, especially the youngsters are lacking these days. They want instant fame and instant money, they don’t want to go through the process of late nights, hard work, commitment, consistency, and strong self-discipline. Continue reading “How to Set Yourself on a Path to Success!”

How to Manage Time? 8 Most Effective Tips!

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In today’s busy world, most people struggle with managing their time and it’s one of the biggest reason why people aren’t who are they supposed to be. You’ll know the most effective 8 tips on time management.

Always write down!

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Not organizing what you have to do is the first step for never succeeding at time management because everyone has lots of tasks to get done and they get confused by them and they end up doing almost nothing productive. Before starting your day, in the morning or the night before (recommended), take a paper and start writing the tasks you have to get done for the day, doesn’t matter if they’re really important or not. Once you’re done, start Continue reading “How to Manage Time? 8 Most Effective Tips!”